Now Offering Same-Day Urgent Care Appointments!
For very sick or urgent pets—call after 8:00 a.m. to book. Limited spots available, so call early!
Exam fee: $65 per pet

Veterinary Services

Pet Anesthesia & Monitoring in Kingsport, TN

Kingsport Veterinary Hospital’s veterinary team is highly trained in anesthesia and monitoring your pets.

Kingsport Headers - pet wellness care
Veterinary Services

Pet Anesthesia & Monitoring at Kingsport Veterinary Hospital.

We monitor our patients closely to keep them as safe as possible during procedures that require general anesthesia. A veterinary technician will continually assess your pet’s heart and respiratory rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs to help prevent any anesthetic risk.

Pet anesthesia

Anesthesia & Monitoring

We are equipped with highly advanced cardiovascular and anesthesia monitoring equipment as it is very important for every surgery.

During anesthesia and surgery, our monitors focus on heart activity, blood pressure, oxygen level, and body temperature. To ensure each patient maintains a safe body temperature, we use a heated surgery table throughout the procedure and during recovery. As each patient awakes, they have their own technician caring for them in a quiet room while wrapped in a warm blanket.